The trip is now over but the episodes will be kept online for anyone interested in motorcycle travel to see what life on the road looks like. If you are inexperienced and planning your own trip you might also find the summary page helpful for your own preparations.

Johan Lundin, Mexico City, March 2009

Test ride in London

Arriving in Buenos Aires

First cruise to Bariloche

With Andy and Pete down Ruta 40

With Simon and Paul back to Buenos Aires

With Oscar to Mendoza

San Pedro and the Atacama desert

Via the Nasca lines to Lima

On small Andes roads to Machu Picchu

All over Bolivia

From northern Argentina thru Paraguay

Big cities in Southern Brazil

Bahia and bike break down

Fixing bike in Sao Luis

Crashing on Transamazonica

Back on the road to Venezuela

Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica

Nicaragua, Honduras, Belize, Guatemala and Mexico